Tuesday, January 12, 2016


My name is Brandon Loiselle, and I am a middle child. I have two brothers that I constantly fight with, but also love very much. I also have two cats and two dogs. One cat, which I proudly named Pokémon, will be celebrating his 17th birthday this year. The other cat is my little brothers. That should explain everything. As for the dogs, they are brother and sister and do nothing all day. Before we continue, you should know that I love cats more than dogs. I believe one day I will own two adorable tigers that will remain small and cute and not dangerous, preferably ones that look exactly like the ones in the picture to the left.

I grew up as a curious kid, always looking for something new. Through out my life, I have participated in gymnastics, soccer, ballet, football, show choir, and track. Consequently, these habits have left me with a lot of "what ifs". After my first year in gymnastics the coach asked me if I wanted to move up to the advanced class to begin training for competitions, but instead, I quit and joined soccer. I continued to do soccer for most of my life, but I also picked up ballet and show choir. After about three years I quit both to make time for soccer again. There was also one year where I quit soccer and joined football, but quickly returned to soccer. I stuck with soccer until senior year of high school, and then I quit my travel team so I could try track. It was my first year in track and I was already a member on two all-conference relay teams, however before we could go to regionals and states, we got suspended due to a senior prank. I was the top student in my class but, because of this suspension, my awards and scholarships were revoked. That is basically what my school life, prior to college, looked like.

Now that I am in college I keep my life rather simple, one might even call it boring. You can catch me doing one of four things on campus; eating, studying, watching Netflix, or working out. Other than those few things, I do nothing. Although, I did join Western's club rugby team at the beginning of the year, which was very interesting. I am not a big guy by any means, so you can imagine the initial complications associated with this impulse decision. Contrary to my injuries, I decided to stick with it and, as time went on, I learned how to better protect myself from 300 pound men.

My life outside of school is pretty "fun", I guess. My dad and I are both very thrilled by toys that can reach high speeds. Because of this, I love dirt bikes, four-wheelers, jet skis, boats, planes, trains, and automobiles. My dad and I go on a different dirt biking trip twice a year. This year we are planning to spend a week riding the trails in West Virginia.

My family also loves vacationing, so I have been to many places
around the world, but the place that I love the most is right here in Michigan. It is a little cottage up in Ossineke, Michigan. This cottage has been in the family for many decades. It isn't luxurious, there is no internet, no cell phone service, and no cable. However, that is what makes this cottage special. The cottage is right on Lake Huron, protected from the big lake by the Thunder Bay. The beach sand is pure and the water is clear. In the mornings, I wake up before the sunrise, walk out on the beach and sit in silence. I continue to be amazed by the suns beauty when peeks above the horizon. During the night my family has bonfires and we tell stories, when the fire begins to settle down, I stay out, lay on my back and watch the stars. Because of this cottage I have learned to adore the simple things in life.



  1. I Like you, I also participated in track and field, though as a junior. That was the only season I tried, and I was not very good. My events were hurdles and sprints. I also relate to your four campus activities. Vacationing is pretty awesome, though I always want to go south to Florida or somewhere warm. I like the hard life of that cottage where you have to be old school.

  2. Wow! That is an unusual combination of activities. You dont often see one person that has done soccer, show choir, and ballet. I am super unathletic and envy your ability to jump into any sport that quickly. I too spend most of my time at western eating, studying and watching netflix.

  3. I think you're quite lucky to have something to cherish like your family cottage. You must witness lots of nature's wonders and beauties.

  4. Like you, I have have participated in many different sports. Always trying to see what was the perfect fit for me. After long term injuries, I've decided that golf and tennis are the main sports for me. I hope to travel as much as you have one! Lastly, I really like how your blog looks!
